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CANTA (1930 - 2009)

CANTA is the official magazine of the University of Canterbury Students’ Association (UCSA). Established in 1930 when the association was known as the Students' Association of Canterbury University College, CANTA is pitched at entertaining and informing UC students. It has been published online and in print since 2016, with digitised copies available online from the Canta site dating back to 2014, further digital issues dating back to 2010 are avaliable from the National Library of New Zealand..

The Macmillan Brown Library holds a complete run of the CANTA publication and is currently working on digitising the print collection. Provided below are full issues from 1930-2009. Further issues will become available as they are processed. Each available issue is viewable in its entirety via the Mirador viewer as well as in a keyword searchable PDF format. Please contact the Macmillan Brown Library if there are any issues in viewing or searching this resource.

Volumes 1 - 33


Volumes 34 - 64


Volumes 65 - 80


The University of Canterbury Library has provided this publication in digital form for research purposes. The views and opinions expressed in CANTA are not those of the University of Canterbury or the University of Canterbury Library.