Caxton Club Press (1932 - 1936)
The humble beginnings of Caxton Press began in the basement of the law-room at the city site of Canterbury University College in 1932. The Caxton Club Press was founded by Denis Glover as a means to pursue his study in printing and typography. The enterprise was almost scuppered at the first hurdle. The printing of Oriflamme : a spasmodical, in April of 1933 caused a backlash from the College authorities due to the article “Sex and the Undergrad”. When questioned about the order to evacuate the premises, and if he was going to retaliate [in print] Glover responded, “No. The Caxton Club may die, but at least it’s going to die honest”.
- What Glover did do was to write a letter to the Board asking them to reconsider its decision of eviction, which to the joy of the Caxtonites was granted, but with restrictions.
- That the title of its publications be not Oriflamme.
- That the membership of the club be confined to students who are financial members of the Students’ Association and who are actually attending lectures at the College.
And the committee further decided to notify the club that it would be well advised to take steps to ensure that the material which it is proposed to publish is such that will not discredit the College in the eyes of the community. With these conditions accepted the production of the ‘Clubs’ second publication, Sirocco began.
The second hurdle the ‘Club’ faced was the flooding of the basement in July of 1933. At the time of the flood the College paper Canta paid a visit to the basement where Glover stated, “The production must go on, only a rat would desert a sinking ship”.
Despite these setbacks for the Caxton Club Press, Glover printed a number of publications in the basement. Moving to new premises in 1935, being a disused stable at Peterbourgh Street, a move Glover described as “The Caxton Press proper may therefore be said to have been born in a manger, and Magi bearing gifts are still welcome”.
Oriflamme : a spasmodical. (April, 1933). View in the reader or pdf.
Sirocco. (July, 1933). View in the reader or pdf.
Other Caxton Club Press publications at UC:
- New Poems (1934). Ian Milner. - Contributors include Glover, Fairburn, Mason, Brasch, Curnow, Straubel and others.
- Little plays from Māori Legend. (1934). Janet Mcleod.
- Another Argo : three poems from the Caxton Club Press. (1935). Frontispiece [a drawing] / Leo Bensemann -- Doom at sunrise / Allen Curnow -- Landscape with figures / A.R.D. Fairburn -- World without end.
- Three Poems. (1935). Alan Curnow. Contents: Aspect of monism - Restraint - The wilderness.
- Thistledown. (1935).
- Short reflection on the present state of literature in this country. (1935). Denis Glover.
- An anthology of High School verse : a decade of verse by boys of the Christchurch Boys' High School, Straven Road, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1926-1935. (1936).