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  1. The owner will take full responsibility for creation and management of their site. 
  2. The Library will provide guidance, but will not create exhibitions for you.
  3. Sites can be created and managed with staff or student assistance at owner’s discretion. Additional logins can be created for collaborators.


  1. The owner will:
    • Review the site regularly to maintain hyperlinks and content (at least once per year)
    • Respond to community feedback and be the point of contact for site enquiries
    • Respond to any copyright issues concerning site content
    • Organise transfer of owner responsibilities to a UC colleague in cases of staffing or role changes
    • Notify Digital Services if the site is to be closed.
  2. The Library will maintain Omeka S, and inform owners of major Omeka S upgrades.
  3. If the Library decides to replace Omeka S with other software, options for migration will be discussed with site owners.

End of life

This system is not an archive and typically sites will have a limited life of up to 3 years. You can close a site at any time by contacting the Library, and the Library may close a site if it appears it is no longer maintained or no longer serving a purpose of benefit to UC. The Library will attempt to contact the site owner before taking such a step.

If your site contains material that you believe has long term value or should be archived, please contact the Library to discuss this before the site closes.

Legacy sites

It is not possible to automatically migrate a legacy site into Omeka S although Omeka Classic sites may be able to be imported with some loss of functionality. If you choose to recreate your legacy site in Omeka S, the final product may have a different look and feel from the original.

Acknowledgement: Thanks to the staff at Yale University Library and University of Tasmania Library for allowing us to adapt material from the guides to their sites, Online Exhibitions and Exhibit.